The College IQAC has set norms to review the teaching learning process in the college. The remarkable achievements of IQAC are as follows:-

▪Staff meeting is held on the very first day of the College Opening in the month of June.

▪Various committees are formed for timely smooth conduct of academic and curricular events

▪ Academic Calendar is revised after considering University Calendar.

▪It is publicized on the College Web site.

▪ Vice Principal and H.O.D’s prepare time table and allots individual timetable.

▪Teachers start maintaining log book for the subject taught.

▪Time table is published by the Class teachers on their individual whats app groups.

▪Students attendance is regularly taken and monitored.

▪Teachers attends workshops organized by the Board of Studies on syllabus revision.

▪Study tours and Industrial Visits are organized for experiential learning.

▪Project work is allotted to student